# KotlinSampleApp Built with AndroidX Support Requires Android Studio 4.1 or greater. Current Kotlin Version 1.4.30 ### SDK Versions compileSdkVersion 30 buildToolsVersion "30.0.1" minSdkVersion 21 targetSdkVersion 30 ### Libraries 1. Retrofit- REST API Call https://square.github.io/retrofit/ 2. Glide - Image Loading and cacheing. https://github.com/bumptech/glide 3. Material Design Components - Google's latest Material Components. https://material.io/develop/android 4. koin - Dependency Injection https://insert-koin.io/ ### Package Structure ``` ├── appcomponents │ ├── di - Dependency Injection Components │ │ └── MyApp.kt │ ├── network - REST API Call setup │ │ ├── ResponseCode.kt │ │ └── RetrofitProvider.kt │ └── ui - Data Binding Utilities │ └── CustomBindingAdapter.kt ├── constants - Constant Files │ ├── IntegerConstants.kt │ └── StringConstants.kt ├── extensions - Kotlin Extension Function Files │ └── Strings.kt ├── modules - Application Specific code │ └── example - A module of Application │ ├── ui - UI handling classes │ └── data - Data Handling classes │ ├── viewmodel - ViewModels for the UI │ └── model - Model for the UI └── network - REST API setup ├── models - Request/Response Models ├── repository - Network repository ├── resources - Common classes for API └── RetrofitService.kt ``` ### Fonts We were unable to find following Fonts, Please add manually to ```app/src/main/res/font``` and uncomment code in respective font family XML files. ``` poppinsbold700 poppinsregular400 ```